Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Looking at the world

A persons place in the world has many effects on how they perceive society. Your background and place in the class structure might have you blurring together people to the point where to you there identity is there race or culture or job and not their experiences, mind or many other things that can be used to give and identity to someone. If a person has lived in a mainly isolated culture they may not care about another culture because they do not understand it, or if they are constantly exposed to other cultures do to their job or hobbies they might be more understanding to it and try to help them in a time of need. How one views society is sometimes determined by their place in society. If someone is high on the social ladder they may not care as much for those under them because they do not recognize or ignore the problems they face all the time. Also someone low on the social ladder may care about others because they recognize the problems others face. Alternatively they may ignore the other because they are more focused with their own problems. A person job may also determine how they reflect on events. A reporter may attempt to view tragic acts objectively not putting emotion into an act because they have to deal with it all the time, while someone who doesn’t deal with tragedy often may consider that same reporter heartless after seeing the same destruction and devastation. On a different note, someone’s view of their own identity may affect how they feel about society. A person who doesn’t have a good grasp on their identity may look down on society or rebel against popular culture in attempt to define themselves. In the end there are hundreds of ways one may feel about identity society and culture and it normally boils down to the individual as no two people have the same exact views.

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