Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Images of life

On a day to day basis we are bombarded with so many ads and commercial images it’s almost sickening. They are everywhere, on billboards, buses, television, the radio, and the Internet. I do not enjoy watching television as much as I used to because of the ads and the degradation of the quality of the shows. The ads try to make you think you need something because it’s innovative or it will make your life easier or it would just be bad not to have it. I must admit, I have fallen prey to add. Many times i have craved a Coca-Cola after one of their ads, and many videogame trailers I watch on YouTube only want me to buy the games I’m looking up more. As much as i despise these images we are continually bombarded with, i must admit they are a necessary evil. The ads pay for some of my favorite websites and without them i would not be able to enjoy reading fan fiction, of watching YouTube videos. The truth is these adds my not be so bad if they weren’t constantly badgering us to buy their products. They are so demanding and insistent that if the just got put on the backburner a minute and let the consumer take a step back and consider the product the companies forcing these ads down are throat may actually increase profits. Some of the best commercials don’t ask you to buy their products at all. They simply show a situation of where the product is used, such as a thirsty man looking for finding and consuming a coke, and then there over. That makes a person think “a coke would be extremely refreshing right now.” If more ads were like this they would not be so bad but many are rude and irritating and are ruining our society in the way they portray our culture. It needs to end before America becomes the proverbial toilet of the world’s culture. It’s not only our ads that do this but many of our television shows as well. Due to the lack of quality writing in these shows the just record the worst aspects of society and paste it into the minds of the people of our country. These images glamorize ignorance, violence, teen pregnancy, irresponsibility, and mock our society’s problems rather than fix them, and it needs to stop before the damage is irreversible.

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